I work with cutting edge technologies, to provide the best for my users.
My mission is to break the borders in web design industry, to provide the latest features and standards in my themes and templates. In the future, I will continue to integrate web design trends into my products, with goal to be in line with modern web design standards.
Research phase is foundation for my later work, where I research about latest web development/design trends, which relate to niche of my current theme/template development project.
In this phase it's all about use of modern tools to create layout for the new template. On design side, Figma is my primary design tool, so it give a possibility to me, to create quality prototype of the future template. This prototype is my leading path for theme development.
I work with commitment on documentation for my themes, with purpose to provide the best support for the users. With each new theme, product documentation is leveled up in terms of design and functionality, where goal is to cover the most important elements of the current product.
With each new version, product preview get new elements, where I work on quality presentation of my product. Work on preview takes a time, but it worth every invested second. In the future, I will work on constant improvement on products previews.